The Phat Cardinals |
And on drums is... Bojack Horseman? |
Holy Moments |
My fabvourite shot of the night, comprising of all three musicians of Holy Moments |
Freddy Le Cragg |
One of my city-centric friends organises local gigs. So it seemed fitting,
that his birthday including a few gigs to mark the occasion.
This was a good down-to-earth experience, with Freddy Le Cragg's opening set
displaying all the things I love about acoustic performers. Anyone that goes up
there with his or her voice and guitar and does that is always worth seeing in
my opinion. He even tackled a great cover as well as his own original songs. If
Newton Faulkner has Spongebob Squarepants, he does it for The Fresh Prince of
Bel Air!
The final act was Holy Moments, whose blend of skater rock and indie punk
has a resonance of Blink-182 and Something Corporate about them. This was another
memorable set, if this floats your boat.
However, the tour-de-force of The Phat Cardinals was just the icing on the
cake. Think The Stranglers and Mclusky go into a fancy dress shop to emulate
Slipknot, but making do with whatever are there instead just sums up the
punk-metal madness of the group's repertoire. They made me smile for all the
right reasons, as I am a sucker for this kind of music, and any act that goes
into a dodgy raffle must be doing something right. Go check them out whenever
you can if you want something big, loud, and downright bombastic.