Sunday, 31 May 2020

Locked Down - Episode 2

Here is Episode 2 of a web series I have been involved in. With all of us learning the ropes on the technicalities whilst filming Episode 1, this was a more pleasant experience to perform and film as we all know what we were doing, and how we were going to film it as well. I still got some feedback from our editor to improve it even more, but you will have to see how that goes the next time I am in an episode.

Sunday, 17 May 2020


For anyone that is curious to what I’ve been doing during this lockdown of late, here’s a promo I did as my latest screen role for this upcoming web series. Being involved in this has been quite a challenge, not just to film on my own with my smartphone, but you'll find out why when the first few episodes come out soon.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Sparks - Lawnmower (Official Audio)

I am always a sucker for quirky music, which probably explains why I've been a fan of Sparks since seeing them live several times over the years. Lawnmower might be my favourie song, just for the sheer avant garde, a catchy hook. It might be good to hear from people that don't know much of their music, and whether or not it is of interest to them.