Monday, 3 October 2022

Script Out Loud Session- Doonamoan and The Eight Warbler Designs

Whoops! I didn't realise it was that long since I last posted here. Remind me to showcase all of my Sparkstember pieces when I get a moment. For now, enjoy this evening pieces done during tonight's Scirpts Out Loud session. 

I drew the first designs for Doonamoan, written by Fintan O'Higgins. I think I tried too hard with the pirate cliches to signfy them as a pirate family, rather than the fairy world that the main focus was going to be.

The following designs were more successful, being for The Eight Warbler, written by Hannah Rose Smith. I felt comfortable sharing those drawings with the rest of the pros this evening, and the director even liked my approach to those bus passengers. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

90 Minute Art Challenge- Baby Yoda

 Seen The Mandolorian? Neither have I! Well, here's Baby Yoda for you, courtesy of the 90 Minute Art Challenge Study Group over on the Lightbox Discord. As it was on Magma, I save the progression of this piece. 

I should've noticed that the head was too small to begin with, but I think I did well on this piece. I think I got a mention from someone during the Discord chat, which was a pleasant surprise. 

Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Narrow Vs Wide

Narrow Vs Wide is the first film project I have been involved in to be released this year. And with two other films in the pipeline for release this year, it has been rather busy for me regarding screen acting. 

This one marked the return of a good filmmaking friend back in the director’s chair, and they were excellent. They were very knowledgeable about the subject of darts, as I only really knew as much as an episode of the game show Bullseye, which came in handy for handling all those props. 

I hope to work with this director again in the future like I have with other friends from that circle of friends around Oxfordshire. 

Monday, 11 July 2022

Script Out Loud Session- Squawk Walk and The King and The Monkey

 Well, that was fun! Doing drawings whilst actors read out these scripts reminded me of when I used to draw whilst watching telly. I'm quite pleased with the results in developing these characters. The first batch was for Laura Dodd's Squawk Walk.

The next batch was for Ioan Morris' The King and The Monkey. I showed off the bottom picture during their live stream, and they liked it- shame I was a bit shy to have my mike on for them. 

Saturday, 9 July 2022

90 Minute Art Challenge- Umbrella Academy (via LightBox Discord)


I wanted to try something different whilst showing off this week's 90 Minute Art Challenge, which is already different enough because I had to use Discord rather than YouTube to get my fix via the Light Box Discord server. I would've prefer not hearing the pings I get from all the other servers, but at least it was another painting done via Magma. 
I thought I share how I got to here, but showing this painting through its many stages as I have to download it each time I made progress (just in case!) So here you go... 


Well, I found it interesting. Until next time. 

Thursday, 23 June 2022

90 Minute Art Challenge- Number 52 (Our Planet Study)

 I'll be honest, I wanted to try out Magma Studio again to make sure my tablet was working. Turns out a lot has changed since I last used it, and now goes by the name of just Magma, and stills remember my log-in credentials alongside past works, which is interesting (but I won't go Pro to look at those, just yet.) 
So this one aired back in 2021, and it's quite a poignant video to watch now as it was back then (minus the lockdown references. As for focusing my energy on painting a study from the Netflix show, Our Planet, it was a pleasant challenge. It took me a while to work out how I was going to tackle this complex scene, but once I got the basics down, I just went with the flow... and this is what happened.