Friday, 4 October 2019

Inktober 2019- Day 4- Finalised(?) Censored Logo and Dr Oetker Cakes

Day 4 into my Inktober and I think I managed to finalise this logo for the client as I think the client hasn't given me any further feedback at the time of writing this blog entry. So with that professional brief out of the way... I thought I do this?
Remember when Channel 4's Great British Bake Off used to be sponsored by Dr Oetker? Well, here is an off-model attempt to recreate one of my favourites. Yeah, I should've looked at the original before doing this, but at least it was a bit of fun from some of the professional work I've been up to recently. I've also done some drawn inking, having just discussed this with an illustrator at a meetup a few weeks ago. I left it with the original pencilling because I like it.

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