Friday, 11 November 2011

An Old Sketch Book... with Some New Drawn In Too!

I found this old sketch pad, the other day, and I decided to have a look in. Amongst all the notes- which date to probably my GCSE days from the French revision- there were a lot of doodles.

I do like, amongst all those cartoon heads, I was attempting to draw actual characters, like R2D2, or a villian from the PS1 game Rayman- I guess I was born to do some fan art, now and again.
So noticed that there were some pages left in the old book left. So, I did what came naturally to me.... use it up, of course!

So the top picture was really just me sploshing some paint about, as I was working on a watercolour illustration, which was based on the above 3 sketches of my face- I might get around to uploading that piece soon.
I even did some studies from the Loomis book, but I might make a proper, where this drawing came from, when I get around to doing some further scanning.

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