Today wasn't the best day for me to try and study a scene from Disney's Pinnochio, as discussed in a tweet from Joey Waggoner. I didn't have much time to do, but I did say I wanted to try and study other artwork, but maybe THAT smile from that film's Coachman was an ambitious task.
This was originally intended as blog designed so that Andy Norton, a postgraduate in Creative Digital Media, could discuss his influences whilst working on a comic for his Creative Portfolio Development module on that master’s degree. Now, the blog is intended to share articles relevant to his interests, as well as his artwork (past and present), as an experience graphic designer, with a background in illustration and animation.
Thursday, 31 October 2019
Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Inktober- Day 30- Moomin meets The Babadook
Inspired by Erin Hunting's latest post of the Australian screen monster, The Babadook, I couldn't resist getting vibes of Tove Jansson's work when viewing in my feed. So guess what I tried to do? This! It was fun trying to draw them all, even thou the Moomin do NOT have nostrils. I don't know what I was thinking. I also found a medium ink pen to achieve some different inking over the rough pencil sketch. I'm not sure if I the tonal colouring of The Babadook, but I've been itching to try drawing those Moomin characters for a while since watching that very good British dub of MoominValley.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Inktober- Day 28- Fon Fon Cover Study and Life Drawing
Managed to do a few pieces yesterday, with a study of a vintage magazine cover, titled Fon Fon, that a good Facebook friend shared the other day. I need to do more studies of other people's works just to fully understand how they are doing things on a constructional level, such the foldings on Father Christmas' sleeves.
The life drawing, en route to Oxford for another meeting followed by some open mic antics, is pretty good.
bus seat,
Father Christmas,
Fon Fon,
Saturday, 26 October 2019
Inktober- Day 26- Laundry Basket Character
Inspired by a recent behind the scenes video of an animator, Hombre_McSteez, bringing to life a laundry basket as an animated character, I thought I give that character a go. The perspective isn't good on the basket's interior, but I managed to get a reasonable likeness to that character.
Inktober- Day 25- Cookie Monster Display
Some of my Facebook friends have been this brilliant Halloween display over in Pennsylvania, and I couldn't resist trying to draw it from the news segment about it. It was fun trying to get the shadows into the scene as that made the Cookie Monster display give the impression of the iconic character's mouth shape. I need to do more studies like this as I tend to do just character-focused rather than environmental/architectural pieces.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Wednesday, 23 October 2019
Beautiful animation about mothers | My Mother's Eyes by Jenny Wright | S...
There is plenty of clever imagery in this short film, with extraordinary use of economy in Jenny Wright’s mark-making for its character animation. Worth watching, if you ask me.
Inktober- Day 23- Globox Doodle
They did say it was a doodle, so I went for a rough pen sketch before going over the in a thicker brush pen as I needed to erase the background to create a transparent PNG file for their use. Wish me luck!
Sunday, 20 October 2019
Inktober- Day 20- Tico and Rigadon (Around the Word of Willy Fog)
I got inspired from Manue Illustrations' Inktober sketch of a couple from Around the World of Willy Fog, so I did ANOTHER couple from that show, Rigadon and Tico. I emulated what the hell was going on in that show's intro. I think I made Tico the stuff of nightmares with those staring eyes, but it was bloody fun trying to draw these two characters.
Saturday, 19 October 2019
Friday, 18 October 2019
Inktober- Day 18- Magic Towel
When your good creative friends, Sumita writes a fun episode to a pre-school series, there is only one thing to do; do fan art of it!
Magic Towel is a one-off character from Pablo, a recent pre-school series that has earned a well-recieved following for its application of tackling autism in all its many aspects. This episodes looks into this mascot - who probably owns more to Mighty Mouse than the original aesthetics- that has an earworm of a jingle to their advert. Think Triple-Dent Gum from Inside Out, and you get a good idea without seeing the episode.
Magic Towel is a one-off character from Pablo, a recent pre-school series that has earned a well-recieved following for its application of tackling autism in all its many aspects. This episodes looks into this mascot - who probably owns more to Mighty Mouse than the original aesthetics- that has an earworm of a jingle to their advert. Think Triple-Dent Gum from Inside Out, and you get a good idea without seeing the episode.
Review: Room

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Room was an excellent experience to read, particularly for those that have seen the excellent Oscar-winning screen adaptation with Brie Larson. Those that have seen that film may already have a good idea on what will happen but will appreciate the detail that you could not get away with on the silver screen, such as the curiosity over the narrator's body parts.
The greatest achievement whilst reading Room was creating the inertia of this child going through 'room' with their natural-born curiosity and trying to understand why Mom goes through mixed emotions throughout the entire novel. Whilst there is a blip of reading through their ordeal in which you want an outcome soon, but when that hits you, the novel takes all the action into fifth gear and does not stop.
Room is definitely worthy of anyone that wants to read an unsettling, yet beautiful, novel written from a child's first-person perspective.
View all my reviews
Inktober- Day 16- Comic Colouring and Life Drawings.
Monday, 14 October 2019
Inktober- Day 14- Marvin the Parnoid Android
After one of my mates mentioned that the actor that played Marvin in the original Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galxy had passed away recently, I had to give drawing Marvin a go. I messed up the arms a bit, but I'm glad I got the detail on his torso well enough.
Below is just a rough sketch, with some ink marks to work out what nib to use on the final piece.
Saturday, 12 October 2019
Inktober- Day 12- Not Again Cartoon
One of my professional Facebook friends shared a cartoon from Vic Kasinja's Taxina series. I was inspired by the figure in the foreground's pose, I was inspired to create my own cartoon out of it... only with a more topical topic on a contemporary telly.
Friday, 11 October 2019
Inktober- Day 11- SuperMarioLand Meme Study
You've seen that meme featuring that vintage photo of an adult playing a Gameboy with children surrounding them? Well, they said it looked like a renaissance painting... and well my study ain't like that!
Super Mario Land
Thursday, 10 October 2019
Inktober- Day 10- Trigger Word Sketches
I thought whilst it was Inktober, I'll try and sort out how to model my next trigger word, being the word 'front' meaning "the part or side that comes first or is the most important". My initial idea was involving having a wheel missing at the front of a cleaning machine, but I decided for a more simpler idea of me noticing a stain on the front of my t-shirt - something I know too well of!
Inktober- Day 8- Life Drawings
Tuesday was a bit busy for me because of work commitments so I did some life drawing on the bus. The top one looked too messy to read, so I managed to do just an ink drawing on the same subject. They are okay in my book, but not convincing to depict what the figure was whilst on the bus. Luckily I did a still life of this bicycle, but I wished I drew the background as well to give it context.
Monday, 7 October 2019
Inktober- Day 7- Chris Croft
I've stumble on some free LinkedIn videos, hosted by this individual, who seemed quite a visually interesting character to draw. I'm sure he is a nice person, but I find him quite amusing trying to explain the importance of hand shakes with his performance in this instuctional video.
Sunday, 6 October 2019
Inktober- Day 6- Still Life of Lamp Post
Just waiting for my bus when I decided to try and do a still-life of this lamp post. When I pencilled it in, I was getting a lot more than when I started inking. So I guess the detail in is okay, but I wasn't happy with the perspective of the lamp post lights. Good thing I grabbed a cheeky picture on my smartphone to try and discipline with the perspective on that object.
Saturday, 5 October 2019
Friday, 4 October 2019
Inktober 2019- Day 4- Finalised(?) Censored Logo and Dr Oetker Cakes
Remember when Channel 4's Great British Bake Off used to be sponsored by Dr Oetker? Well, here is an off-model attempt to recreate one of my favourites. Yeah, I should've looked at the original before doing this, but at least it was a bit of fun from some of the professional work I've been up to recently. I've also done some drawn inking, having just discussed this with an illustrator at a meetup a few weeks ago. I left it with the original pencilling because I like it.
Dr Oetker,
fan art,
Great British Bake Off,
Thursday, 3 October 2019
Inktober- Day 3- Logo Redesign
I don't know if this counts as a different drawing, as I have to amend the colour scheme a bit of it. Not going to have to do much else now... but I might add some doodles to this post as I have had an exhaustive outing yesterday and it has caught up with me today.
I decided to upload last night's doodles on the programme note as I feel as I am not going to do too much on that logo on Day 4 than I am going to do so.
I decided to upload last night's doodles on the programme note as I feel as I am not going to do too much on that logo on Day 4 than I am going to do so.
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
Tuesday, 1 October 2019
Inktober 2019- Day 1- Logo Design Variants
Yes, it's Inktober again, and unless you want doodles from a meeting instead, this is probably the best I can offer today which is variants for a new client. I can't go much into the detail about this one yet, hence the censoring over the text, but I hope you appreciate how each design has changed over the course of an entire afternoon into the late evening.
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