Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Post a Drawing Every Day- Day 16- Jimmy Reid Cartoon (Stage 1)

First Stage of Cartoon

I'm trying my hand at political cartooning again... this time on the late Jimmy Reid. I was inspired from watching the One Show to do something about the political figure who came with the strategy for Scottish ship builders in the early 1970s to keep their jobs. It was something along the lines of continue to work, to show their commitment to their jobs- something very poignant, when you have fire and security staff at BAE causing chaos at many UK airports very soon!

Just started the block colouring on the main, but I want to experiment with block colouring for the crowd and background to make my version of Reid stand out more.The blocks of colour I have place down roughly are the sky, and the colour of the flesh of the crowd. I am also using the original pencil sketches for the crowd and background, to make it distinguishable of some of the people in the crowd- most of them were inspired from finding images of Reid doings his speeches.

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